5 Ways to Distribute Your Content for Free

Content Marketing Specialist

Once you have your content ready for people to read and use, you need to make sure they are able to find it. There are a number of ways to get this accomplished for a price but there are also ways to distribute your content for free.

Here are five ways to distribute your content that won’t cost you anything at all.

  1. Social Networking – Social networking is the hottest promotional tool available online at this time. There are a lot of sites such as Twitter, MySpace, Facebook, Digg and others who have opened up a world of marketing for online businesses. Through these tools you can establish trust, expertise and gain a sold following of people who want to know what you think and can do for them.
  2. Article Directories – These sites are comprised of article listings written by just about anyone and on any subject. The articles are placed specifically for use on these types of sites. They rank well on search engines because they rely heavily on SEO and also provide links back to your website. This is another great way to distribute your content for free and show your expertise and knowledge in your chosen field thus bringing more people to you and your site.
  3. Blogging – Blogging is probably one of the most useful ways to bring someone to your information and website, specifically, guest blogging on other websites. Doing this can increase your exposure to an increasing number of people as you are able to link your information in your blog posts. The owner of the blog can also promote your site by placing links to your site around their blog. You can also offer to swap posts with other blogs and increase your traffic by bringing their followers to your site.
  4. Give it Away on Your Website – One of the easiest ways to distribute your content for free is to offer it as a free bonus on your website. Everyone loves getting something for nothing, so package your content as a PDF or even an audio download and let your site visitors download it for nothing. Don’t even ask for an email address in exchange. Instead, just give it as a gift and you’ll generate good will.
  5. Using Local Listing Services – This tactic is especially useful if you have an offline business with an online presence. Google and other search engines have local area listings, so when someone does a local search they will find your website. This increases your chances of being closer to the top of the first page in search engine results. This is a great way to increase your online visibility with absolutely no cost to you. When local customers find your website, they will be even more likely to look to you for their information needs, which will in turn lead to more sales.
distribute your content for free

Distribute Your Content for Free

The biggest tip is to never stop the process of using new content to promote your business. There are always new ways to get your name out there, but providing free content that solves a problem for your customer will never go out of style.

If you don’t have enough time to make use of all these free available services, consider working with a content marketing specialist who can help you.
