How do you become a virtual assistant who builds awesome membership sites?
So, let’s say you landed this AMAZING client whom you love working with…You have just completed your first project with them they are super happy with your work. Everything is looking great!
But wait…they drop a bit of a bomb on you!
The client would like to create a killer membership site for their audience, but they don’t have a clue how to get started. They would love your assistance to basically “take the lead” and help them get this membership site rolling.
Gulp! So, where do you start?
Well, believe it or not, Membership Sites are not that difficult to put together if you have the right system in place.
Here are seven quick steps to be a support person who builds awesome membership sites for any type of client:
STEP ONE: Define Your Membership Strategy
If you and your client MISS OUT on Step One, you will go into the “Membership Site Creation” process like a “Ship without a rudder”. You want to help your client to identify the primary objective for setting up the membership site and what they are hoping to achieve.
This is a great time to define some tangible, measurable goals before moving forward.
STEP TWO: Identify Target Audience
It is uber important to know EVERYTHING about your client’s target membership base…age, gender, location, interests, common challenges and pain points. Understanding the needs of this audience will serve as the basis for creating a rockin membership site.
STEP THREE: Choose Your Membership Model
There are essentially TEN different types of membership models to choose from such as the “Publisher Model”, “Private Members Model”, “Modular Course Model” and so much more.
STEP FOUR: Decide on Membership Content and Features
By first knowing your target audience well, you will be able to best determine the types of cool features and content to include in your client’s program.
STEP FIVE: Select the Membership Platform
This is the most exciting step as there are so many cool and easy-to-implement platforms that you can suggest for your clients. Many new membership programs incorporate WordPress Blogs and Social Networks to make one top-notch and interactive membership site.
To name a few, you might consider utilizing:
– – Private Social Networks
– WordPress Themes & Plugins like Wishlist Member or Digital Access Pass
– Private Facebook Groups
– Private Linkedin Groups
– Google Groups & Hangouts
STEP SIX: Managing Your Membership and Online Community
It is one thing to set-up a cool membership platform and another thing to keep them engaged and interested in staying a member! One key task that you can help clients with is to moderate and manage their membership community on a monthly basis.
Most clients get busy with other stuff and would love to have a dedicated person that helps nurture the membership community.
STEP SEVEN: Monetize Your Membership Program
Your client’s may be initially creating a free membership program and would like to identify ways to generate an income stream through strategic promotion of their own products and affiliate products as well as other advertising alternatives.
So, that is a VERY quick run-down on the SEVEN KEY STEPS to helping your client launch an amazing membership site. You are now on your way to becoming a support person who builds awesome membership sites.
Now, Craig Cannings has created a brand new 4-week Membership Creation Program that dives deep into these seven steps and shows you exactly how to strategize, set-up and manage online membership sites for your clients.
The course starts November 26, 2012, so be sure to get more details here.