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Category: Internet Marketing

  • Why Article Marketing?

    SEO assistanceIf there’s one thing bloggers want more of, it’s readers! Whether you’re blogging for pet lovers, kids’ dentists, or Boston Red Sox fans, driving more people to your posts is surely a prime objective. And one of the best ways to drive traffic to your blog or website is through article marketing.

    Article marketing is the process of creating short articles for publication and distribution by other websites and off-line publishers in exchange for at least one quality link back to your website or blog. Articles are normally published to article directories, websites made up entirely of articles submitted by authors. Article directories are usually free to publish to.

    While it may seem counter-intuitive to provide your content for free to other websites, there are several benefits of article marketing: (more…)

  • Video Marketing For Ongoing Sign-ups

    NewslettersHow do you feel about video? Think you can record one to five minutes of quality info? That’s what it takes to build your email list with video marketing. Today we’re going to cover some technical and practical ways to use video marketing to get more leads.

    First of all, video marketing is just one of many marketing tools. It might not appeal to you, but that’s okay. Read about them all, then choose what works best for you. You don’t have to do it all. In fact, you don’t even have to do it extremely well! Just take action and get results, over and over again and you will see your business grow. (more…)

  • Online Signatures That Get Clicks

    online clicksI hope you enjoyed yesterday’s lesson on using video marketing to grow your list. Today we’ll talk about something you might not have thought of using to build your list – your online signatures.

    Today’s lesson will be short and sweet. It’s meant mainly as an eye-opener for you to think about how you can use this simple method. After you read today’s email, take action right away – it only takes a moment or two to write up and set your new signature, but the effects can be long-lasting. (more…)

  • Hosting Events to Attract Groups of Email Subscribers

    AWeber virtual assistantWe’ve talked a lot of strategy during my recent posts. Today we’re going to talk step-by-step tactics. The reason being is that hosting teleseminars, webinars and events can be a quick way to add a lot of subscribers to your email list and I want to make sure you’ve got a guide to follow to get it done, asap.

    No matter what kind of event you are hosting the process will be the same. Don’t over-complicate it.

    Here’s a one sentence breakdown of what you’ll be doing: (more…)