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Category: Internet Marketing

  • Why Internet Marketers Who Use Viral Marketing Succeed

    Why Internet Marketers Who Use Viral Marketing Succeed

    Viral marketing is a phenomenon. It works and works well. Why? Because it puts the power in the hands of the people.

    It doesn’t rely on advertising executives, million dollar campaigns or celebrity endorsements. It is real, down-to-earth, grassroots marketing that, when it comes down to it, might be advertising in its purest form.

    Viral marketing, while driven by strategy and well-planned messaging, is only successful when its audience is captivated.

    A marketing campaign will only go “viral” if people like it and ultimately, share it with others. Therefore, they have the power. Not the marketer.

  • What is Content Marketing?

    What is Content Marketing?

    Content marketing can go by a lot of different names such as private media, branded content, customer media and so on, but they are all essentially content marketing. Content marketing is probably one of the best ways to make sure your marketing is being truly effective.

    One definition of content marketing is: a technique of making and distributing valuable and relevant content to bring in a much defined target audience with the over all objective being the creation of sales. Basically this is a way to reaching out to your customers and potential customers in a way specifically designed to attract them to you and keep them coming back.

  • How often should you produce new content?

    How often should you produce new content?

    The question is, how often should you produce new content?

    Producing Web Copy

    Producing web copy for a site is something, which if done correctly, takes some time to create. Many copywriters know the value of well-written copy and are constantly changing the copy on their websites to keep up with the demand of their targeted audience.

    How often to produce new web copy content? It all depends on the type of content you are talking about and how well it is or isn’t performing for you. Let’s take a closer look.

  • 3 Quick SEO Tips

    3 Quick SEO Tips

    Looking for a Quick and Easy Way to Give Your Website a Boost in the Search Engines? Here are 3 quick SEO Tips that are straightforward and easy to get the job done.

  • For only those that want to make sure their site is indexed

    For only those that want to make sure their site is indexed

    You have probably implemented the basic steps to get the search engine spiders indexing your pages. However, sometimes there are one or two spots that business owners and web designers miss when setting up their site for online optimization.  Thus, I thought it would be a good idea to discuss how to index your site and what might cause the search bots from skipping over your sites content.

    Remember websites become listed on search engine results if and only if the search engine spiders are indexing them. If they pass right by your pages, and don’t even know they exist, then you’re simply not going to get listed.
