Dreamweaver: Creating A Site Profile

creating a site profile with Dreamweaver


To create any working or functional profile on Dreamweaver one needs to have access to a defined and consistent web hosting service. Availability of a domain name can be an added advantage. Creating a site profile with Dreamweaver can help develop and attract business for a company.

Creating a site profile with Dreamweaver

Creating a site profile:

  • Go to the top menu on the Dreamweaver document
  • Choose site and then later on select a new site option to open a new site

Creating beginners profile:

  • Go to the ‘basic’ tab in the Dreamweaver page
  • Use the profile creating wizard
  • Click on the advanced tab and then choose to complete the site details
  • The areas to be filled in include ‘Local Info’ and ‘Remote Info’

Filling the information: Local Info

  • This section includes filling in the details of the name of your site, the folder placed on your hard drive to store the web related files and pages.

Filling the information: Remote Info

  • This tab allows you to select the connection details i.e. the type of connection that you have and also allows you to fill in your username and password. This also helps you in adding the Host Directory on chosen server.

Host directory depends upon the webhost.

Generally, it is defined as: : /public_html/ or /httpdocs/

To choose the host directory you should get your details checked with your web host. Once you are done filling in the details of all the required fields, you should go on and then simply click the ‘Test’ button.

Connect to the web server

Later you should see that whether the Dreamweaver helps you to connect to your web server or not. In case of any noticeable error you should make efforts to locate that what it that is going wrong is and then keep on trying and testing again.

Once you get connected to the server, you can easily create a web page or several different web pages and then upload them on your website.

Dreamweaver benefits

Dreamweaver allows you to easily manage all this in just one go. It can help you manage several web pages and host different content at the same time. After you are sure that your site profile is ready for use and display to the masses, you can choose the site that you would actually want to work with. You can go to the drop down menu in the Dreamweaver software document and do so.

This makes you all set for the use of this application and your site.

Thus a Dreamweaver benefit is that it allows you have an edge over other programs like Microsoft Expression Web.

Get going and start with creating a site profile with Dreamweaver.
