mobile content marketing

How to set up a mobile content website

Do you need a mobile content website? Cell phones have all but replaced landlines, and while they’re not likely to replace the desk top computer completely, (at least any time soon) hand held and smaller devices are likely to replace many personal computers as they become more user friendly.

As an Internet marketer your job is to stay on top of your market, keep asking, keep testing, and find out if you need a more mobile friendly website now before you’re left behind.

Some things to remember about mobile content marketing is that as of today, mobile phones are not computers, at least yet. There are some limitations such as:

Screen size — They’re small. Very small. While they are getting bigger in terms of what cell phones used to have for screen sizes, compared to our giant monitors on computers they’re tiny. This is something that must be taken into consideration when developing a mobile content website for a mobile device.

Input method — No matter how great we think we are at text messaging, punching in text and navigating menus on a cell, never mind a website, is a lot harder on a cell phone. Make navigation as simple as possible.

Multiple Platforms — Unlike with the Internet which tries to have some standards in terms of languages and coding, there still aren’t any standards for mobile devices. The types of mobile content that your visitors can see and interact with is limited by the type of cell phone or mobile device that your potential client uses.

Your first step is to narrow down your choices of which platform to consider by surveying your site visitors to find out what most of them use. Then focus your mobile content website efforts on that device or find out which platforms hold the most market share now.

You can bet that is probably the iPhone and the Android and focus on delivering a mobile content website to that device.

About the author: Your Marketing Assistant

Your Marketing Assistant is an internet marketing specialist business. Your Marketing Assistant provides professional internet marketing specialist services to Internet Marketers in the United States, Canada and around the globe. If you are looking for assistance and to work with an expert who can help you understand and implement online marketing strategies such as WordPress web site and blog design, social media, search engine optimization (SEO), Mailchimp, Constant Contact, Active Campaign and Keap – Infusionsoft, then you have found the right solution for your business.

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