Get Your Monetization Website Traffic Checklist Now


This is the fifth blog post in our series on How to Monetize Your Website Traffic. Today’s blog post features the Monetization Website Traffic Checklist.

To read the previous posts, click here.

Monetization Website Traffic Checklist

I have analyzed each blog or site I plan to monetize, checking out:

  • Its traffic patterns and bounce rates via my cPanel
  • Its top-performing topics and pages
  • Site feedback and comments
  • Other_____________

I have asked questions or polled my list to make sure I’m on target with their wishes and needs (as well as understanding their problems)

I have considered the various types of monetization I can implement, and put serious thought into:

  • What feels like a natural fit for my visitors
  • Which monetization methods would actually provide a service, if I added them to my mix
  • Which methods are in alignment with my own skills, strengths, interests and values
  • Other______________

For monetization website traffic, I’ve considered my overall business plan (as well as my current traffic numbers). I’ve put serious thought into:

  • Where my traffic is “at” now; and what my goals are, re increasing it
  • The order in which I implement various monetization methods and strategies
  • Whether or not I have the right type of web hosting, so I can resell sites if I decide to do so, or be prepared for sudden increases in traffic, should I choose to augment my monetization by advertising

I’m planning to implement the following strategies for monetization website traffic:

  • Selling my services
  • Selling digital products
  • Selling physical products

In preparation for this, I have:

  • My shopping cart in place and tested (and I’m planning on at-point-of-checkout upsells)
  • A product fulfillment company lined up to handle assembly and shipping for my physical product

I’m planning to sign up with:

  • An affiliate marketer, to promote a particular, targeted product
  • An affiliate network, to create a broader strategy for my blog
    A CPC/CPM network
  • Text Link ads or embedded video
  • Other_______________

I have decided to go with Google AdSense PPC publishing and allow Google to place AdSense ads on my blog. In preparation for this, I have…

  • Chosen and installed an AdSense-ready theme
  • Obtained my Publisher ID number (keeping a record of it, for easy future reference)
  • Made sure my content is well-optimized, with no distracting keywords that might result in Google erroneously placing an ad not related to my actual topic
  • Pre-loaded my blog with optimized, well-chosen posts
    Planned a regular schedule of promotion and posting
  • Other______________

I have considered placing ads on my site through ad-ready blog templates, or as a publisher for ad agencies such as Ad Engage.

I have considered whether or not banner ads or buttons will add value and interest to my content… or distract or annoy my typical target visitor.

I have an Article Marketing campaign planned, to draw even more targeted traffic to my site. For monetization website traffic, I have articles ready for:

I’ve studied tracking methods and tools available within my chosen monetization networks or partners, and allowed time to learn and implement them, and monitor my results.

monetization website traffic

Monetize Your Site

That’s it for the Monetization Website Traffic Checklist. Make sure to read the next post on the Action Plan.

Here are the six posts on the topic of How to Monetize Your Website Traffic.

Monetize Your Website Traffic

Monetize Your Site with Affiliate and Article Marketing

Traffic Monetization Strategy

Monetize Your Site and Advertising

Monetization Website Traffic Checklist


Action Plan! How to Monetize your Website Traffic


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