Online Signatures That Get Clicks

sign up for your tips list

I hope you enjoyed the previous blog post, “Hosting Events to Attract Email Subscribers“. Today we’ll talk about something you might not have thought of using to build your list – your online signatures.

Today’s lesson will be short and sweet. It’s meant mainly as an eye-opener for you to think about how you can use this simple method. After you read today’s post, take action right away – it only takes a moment or two to write up and set your new online signatures, but the effects can be long-lasting.

online signatures

What are Online Signatures?

An online signature means something a little different than an offline signature. Online you can add more than just your name when you sign off.

Your signature (on emails forums, and blog posts) is prime real estate for letting people know about your irresistible offer and invite them to sign up.


Are you emailing your clients often? Maybe they don’t know you have an email list filled with tips on how they can save big bucks by doing a few simple prep activities. Include a signature linking directly to that offer every time an email goes out to your clients.

For instance, in my signature I use:

Click Here for a FREE Report on 10 Things Your Virtual Assistant Must Do For Your Website To Be Found Online

Maybe you participate on a popular forum for yoga teachers. Make sure you create a custom profile signature with a link to your special report on how to fill classes consistently.

One hint: check the rules of the forum to make sure off-site promotional links are okay.

If you blog (and you’d better!) you can use a signature that invites readers who liked your post to sign up for your tips list that answers the ten biggest questions in your industry.

As promised today’s lesson was short and sweet. Now it’s your turn – get out there and find a signature you can tweak.

Talk to you soon for our lesson about getting away from the computer and rubbing shoulders with people in person!
