Virtual Assistant Internet Marketing

Social Media * WordPress * SquareSpace * eCommerce * Email Marketing *
Keap * Mailchimp * MailerLite * Constant Contact * Active Campaign


  • Three WordPress Plugins for  SEO and Better Search Engine Rankings

    Three WordPress Plugins for SEO and Better Search Engine Rankings

    I make no secret of my love for WordPress. Besides being a great software for website design, it has so many built in functions for SEO. By using WordPress plugins for SEO you can avoid heavy coding on the back end of your website and benefit from high search engine optimization rankings.

    WordPress has an abundance of FREE plugins to help you boost your results and traffic.

    Here are three WordPress plugins for SEO to consider.

  • What is Content Marketing?

    What is Content Marketing?

    Content marketing can go by a lot of different names such as private media, branded content, customer media and so on, but they are all essentially content marketing. Content marketing is probably one of the best ways to make sure your marketing is being truly effective.

    One definition of content marketing is: a technique of making and distributing valuable and relevant content to bring in a much defined target audience with the over all objective being the creation of sales. Basically this is a way to reaching out to your customers and potential customers in a way specifically designed to attract them to you and keep them coming back.

  • What tasks Can A Virtual Assistant Do?

    What tasks Can A Virtual Assistant Do?

    I often get asked the question, “What Tasks Can A Virtual Assistant Do? ” Virtual Assistants can perform pretty much any task that an onsite secretary can do assuming that he or she has the right technology in place.

    Virtual Assistants can add exponentially to your time each day. In some cases, it can be almost like duplicating yourself so that you can focus on what earns your business money, allowing the VA to work on the tasks that are necessary but do not necessarily produce income.

    What Tasks Can A Virtual Assistant Do?

    Here is a list, not comprehensive by any means, of various tasks that a VA can do along with the technology that helps them perform these tasks.

    Social Media – Many Virtual Assistants are social media specialists. In fact, Freelance University has social media courses specifically designed for Virtual Assistants to work with small business owners. A Virtual Assistant who specializes in social media can schedule your Twitter tweets and Facebook posts in HootSuite (3 times a day, 4 times, etc.), grow your Facebook likes, add followers for you on Twitter, design your Facebook header and so much more!

  • Facebook Networking Tools

    Facebook Networking Tools

    So, what kind of Facebook networking tools can you use to do social networking on Facebook? The short answer is, anything goes. Since there are so many things you can do with the site, you’d do best to consider it a blank slate.

    Since you define your experience on the site and set your own goals, you basically want to choose the activities, applications, groups, and networks that will help enhance this experience.

  • Using Your WordPress Blog To Drive Traffic

    Using Your WordPress Blog To Drive Traffic

    Since I launched my virtual assistant business I have discovered that business owners invest tons of money to drive traffic to their sites. Their business mainly depends upon targeting new customers to their sites and making sales out of these visits. The solution that I recommend to them for the easiest way to accomplish an increase in Google page rankings – is using their WordPress blog to drive traffic.

    Generating blogger traffic to your blog requires you to exercise a little effort but thankfully modern technology has made the task much easier and it is not that expensive either. Now by using your WordPress blog to drive traffic, you can maintain your budget and at the same time you can practically double your customer base and sales overnight.

    Attract Customers to Your WordPress Blog

    Here is a step wise approach to attract customers to your blog within 24 hours of its creation:  

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