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  • Three Steps to Write SEO Content and Still Sound Natural – Read This Free Advice

    Three Steps to Write SEO Content and Still Sound Natural – Read This Free Advice

    When it comes to tactics and strategies to improve search engine results, there’s really nothing more important than the content on your website. You need to write your SEO content and still sound natural.

    SEO Content, after all, is what the search engines analyze to determine the validity of a web page and website. For this very reason, many webmasters focus their content efforts with the search engine spiders in mind before thinking about sounding natural in their writing.

    However focusing entirely on your search engine results is a mistake because search engine spiders don’t buy your products or services, they don’t click on your ads and affiliate links and they don’t contribute directly to your bottom line – customers do.

    This is why it’s essential that you write your content for your audience first and the search engines second. This, however, presents a conundrum because sometimes it’s difficult to combine the two. Keywords don’t always fit into an article or blog post naturally.

    Here are three steps to write your SEO content and still sound natural.

  • Find Out The Seven Ways To Generate Incoming Links

    Find Out The Seven Ways To Generate Incoming Links

    Content, as you might already know, if the first item search engine spiders look for when they’re cataloging and indexing web pages. The second item they look for are links coming into and out of your website. The links coming into your site have more weight than the ones leaving your site, which is what makes the need to generate incoming links a very important search engine strategy.

    Here are 7 Ways to Generate Incoming Links.

  • 6 Ways To Make Your Free Giveaway A Success

    6 Ways To Make Your Free Giveaway A Success

    Many new online business owners wonder how to get more subscribers to their newsletter. Simply putting a form on your website that says “enter your email address and sign up for my newsletter” will not get you a huge number of subscribers. In today’s world people are hesitant to just give away their email address. The prime way to get a website visitor’s email address is to offer a free giveaway – such an eBook. However, you don’t need to stop with just writing free content for your readers and waiting for them to connect with you when you send them out your newsletter. Another great benefit to giving away your eBook is that people assume that once you have written a book you are an expert and a leader in your field.  Also, once your reader has your book in their hand, there are other items it can include to get them to sign up for your programs and keep returning to your website.

  • Which Social Media sites do you need to join?

    Which Social Media sites do you need to join?

    Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube, GooglePlus, Instagram – there are so MANY social media sites out there!

    However, which site should your business be on? Where should you spend the most of your time and resources? If you hire a virtual assistant specializing in social media, where do you want them to focus?

    The answer depends on the type of business you operate.

    If you are a speaker – then you want to demonstrate your speaking skills. YouTube is where you belong first and foremost. You want potential clients to be able to see you demonstrating your speaking skills in your videos on your YouTube channel. You YouTube videos should also be embedded on your WordPress website so visitors can see you speaking directly on your website.


  • Web 2.0 For Business

    Web 2.0 For Business

    Is Social Media a good investment for your business? Should your business be active in web 2.0 for business.

    While this idea started as purely social, it has turned into something that businesses are embracing as well. Each time the internet changes, businesses need to change, too or else they won’t get the sales they want.

    Facebook and Web 2.0 for Business

    Now, in order to find success with sites like Facebook, a business needs to think about the very elements that make the site special and unique. The site is a place for people to socialize and participate in communities. If the business wants to sell their product or service, they need to build a community around it.

    For example,

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