This is the fifth blog post in our series on How to Monetize Your Website Traffic. Today’s blog post features the Monetization Website Traffic Checklist.
I have analyzed each blog or site I plan to monetize, checking out:
Its traffic patterns and bounce rates via my cPanel
Its top-performing topics and pages
Site feedback and comments
I have asked questions or polled my list to make sure I’m on target with their wishes and needs (as well as understanding their problems)
I have considered the various types of monetization I can implement, and put serious thought into:
What feels like a natural fit for my visitors
Which monetization methods would actually provide a service, if I added them to my mix
Which methods are in alignment with my own skills, strengths, interests and values
For monetization website traffic, I’ve considered my overall business plan (as well as my current traffic numbers). I’ve put serious thought into:
Where my traffic is “at” now; and what my goals are, re increasing it
The order in which I implement various monetization methods and strategies
Whether or not I have the right type of web hosting, so I can resell sites if I decide to do so, or be prepared for sudden increases in traffic, should I choose to augment my monetization by advertising
I’m planning to implement the following strategies for monetization website traffic:
Selling my services
Selling digital products
Selling physical products
In preparation for this, I have:
My shopping cart in place and tested (and I’m planning on at-point-of-checkout upsells)
A product fulfillment company lined up to handle assembly and shipping for my physical product
I’m planning to sign up with:
An affiliate marketer, to promote a particular, targeted product
An affiliate network, to create a broader strategy for my blog A CPC/CPM network
Text Link ads or embedded video
I have decided to go with Google AdSense PPC publishing and allow Google to place AdSense ads on my blog. In preparation for this, I have…
Chosen and installed an AdSense-ready theme
Obtained my Publisher ID number (keeping a record of it, for easy future reference)
Made sure my content is well-optimized, with no distracting keywords that might result in Google erroneously placing an ad not related to my actual topic
Pre-loaded my blog with optimized, well-chosen posts Planned a regular schedule of promotion and posting
I have considered placing ads on my site through ad-ready blog templates, or as a publisher for ad agencies such as Ad Engage.
I have considered whether or not banner ads or buttons will add value and interest to my content… or distract or annoy my typical target visitor.
I have an Article Marketing campaign planned, to draw even more targeted traffic to my site. For monetization website traffic, I have articles ready for:
I’ve studied tracking methods and tools available within my chosen monetization networks or partners, and allowed time to learn and implement them, and monitor my results.
Monetize Your Site
That’s it for the Monetization Website Traffic Checklist. Make sure to read the next post on the Action Plan.
Here are the six posts on the topic of How to Monetize Your Website Traffic.
The previous post on the checklist shows you what to “tick off”, once you’ve completed all the steps of this month’s project. This blog post has your Action Plan to monetize your website traffic.
The Action Plan will help you go through the checklist, without missing any of these steps.
This is the sixth blog post in our series on How to Monetize Your Website Traffic. To read the previous posts, click here.
1. Analyze and Strategize to Monetize Your Website Traffic
Before getting down to monetizing your site, it’s important to make sure you know every fact you can glean about the typical visitor who contributes to your website traffic. Even if you think you know perfectly well, follow this little exercise – the results may surprise you.
Log into your cPanel and study your web statistics.
Look for your “bounce rate” – how long the average visitor stays on your page.
Make note of the particular pages that hold visitor attention for more than 3 minutes. (Those are the ones containing your most popular – and successful- topics and keywords.)
If your site is in blog format, read back through every comment. Make notes about reader preferences that may have been expressed
Look your site up in the Google Website Rank Checker. Chances are it won’t show up yet if you’re new to the web, but if there are any stats at all, access every link on that main page and study them in detail.
Use a tool like the SEOQuake add-on for Firefox to study your site’s incoming links, page rank and other stats.
Poll your list with just a few key questions (no more than five) about what they look for on your site.
Ask relevant questions on Facebook or Twitter.
Check your subscriber list in your autoresponder or chopping cart.
Ask yourself: “Who engages with me the most?” as well as: “Who buys from me? Who’s willing to part with real cash for my services or product?”
2. Choosing your Monetization Mix
Now that you’ve thought about the person behind the “traffic” label, it’s time to consider what sorts of monetization are best suited to his tastes. Put some thought into what type of monetization is likely to:
draw him further in
repel him
suit his habits
suit his tastes
Remember to monetize your website traffic – the best sort of monetization has your visitors thanking you for letting them know about it. You’re still solving their problem and giving them exactly what they were about to look for!
Now think about your own tastes and preferences:
What is comfortable for you?
What flows naturally for you?
Where are your talents? (Writing? Graphics? Picking the right keywords? Etc.)
What types of strategies would be easier for you to implement and maintain?
That being said, if you’re not comfortable with the idea of a particular strategy but your visitor most likely is – try it anyway. To monetize your website traffic, sometimes “pushing the envelope” leads to greater fulfillment than we could ever imagine, if all we ever do is stick to what we know.
3. Researching Your Options
You’ve chosen one or more methods of extra site monetization, but don’t just rush into signing up, willy-nilly.
Take a systematic approach. Integrate your monetization efforts into your long-term business plan.
For example, if you’d like to sign up with Casale Media, but your site doesn’t yet bring in their traffic minimum, focus for now on adding Text Link Ads or some easier network – and slot them in for when you reach your “traffic goal” (their minimum number).
Allow yourself an appropriate amount of time to reach that goal – but knowing what the figure is and having it in mind will help drive your focused efforts towards promoting your site and reaching the Magic Number so you can implement that particular phase of your long-term monetization mix plan.
Getting Started with Monetizing Your Site
You have to start somewhere, so once you’ve got your plan down on paper – “just do it!”
Sign up for that first monetization method or install that plug-in, widget or ad code.
4. Track your Monetization Method Performance
To monetize your website traffic don’t just install a few methods, however, and leave it at that.
Even if your ultimate goal is totally passive income, better know now that while much of your business may end up on autopilot (with planned-for virtual assistants or web design staff providing the rest of your day-to-day labor), the more you track and stay on top of your Monetization Method Performance, the better your results will be… and the happier your visitors!
Invest in the time to learn tracking systems provided by the network (affiliate or otherwise) that you’ve joined.
Use your own cPanel and web stats to keep track of such things as bounce rates and pages/keywords that are more successful than others.
Use the free Google tracking options already available through your Google account (which you certainly have, if you’ve got a gmail address).
Consider alternate strategies for sites and pages that don’t perform well. Tweak page components and keywords (one at a time; then measuring, before going on to the next “tweak”). Sell sites that aren’t getting the results you want or that bore you too much to run; or that you find too difficult (someone else may thank you for the chance to salvage them).
When you’ve identified your top performers in your site monetization, pour even more effort into them. Monetize them with Facebook ads, or drive more traffic to them using an Article Marketing strategy.
5. Be Aware of Current and New Trends – and Use Them
Don’t just rest on your laurels if something’s working, however. Always be on the lookout for new ways to monetize your sites (while prudently keeping in reserve, at the back of your mind, the famous maxim “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”.)
Analyze new networks and check for feedback complaints or raves about performance before hurrying to sign up.
See what your competitors are investing in, with regards to site monetization. Is there anything they’re doing that:
Adds extra oomph for their visitors?
Would add it for your visitors too?
For example, if your niche focuses on golf swings and your competitor has discovered a new Superclub, which he’s now advertising – consider advertising it too.
The last thing you want is your visitor to start visiting his site over yours because he’s got the link to that great new catalogue!
Besides, discovering a new trend (read “Monetization method performance”) ahead of the pack always brings you the biggest returns and the best authority status! It’s well worth the investment of your time.
Analyze and strategize. See what fits into your overall plan
Choose your Monetization mix. Factor in your skills, tastes and preferences – as well as, naturally, your visitors’ needs and desires!
Research the options you’re most interested in implementing, to double-check they’ll do the best job for you (and bring in the most income!)
Track your Monetization method performance
Be aware of current and new trends – and get into the habit of being one of the first to implement and use them
Get into the swing of repeating these good habits and planning properly for your site monetization every time you create a new site.
Monetize Your Website Traffic
That’s it for the Monetization Website Traffic Checklist.
This post concludes our “How to Monetize Your Website Traffic”.
Here are the six posts on the topic of How to Monetize Your Website Traffic.
This is the fourth blog post in our series on How to Monetize Your Website Traffic. These blog posts focus on the seven successful strategies to monetize your site that are below.
Selling Services or Products
CPC Networks and Pay Per Click Advertisers
Affiliate Marketing
Article Marketing
Ezine Promotion
Sponsored Blog Posts
Site Flipping and Domain Parking
For this post we’ll take a look at advertising. To catch up on the previous posts, click here.
This is the third blog post in our series on How to Monetize Your Website Traffic. These blog posts focus on the seven successful strategies for traffic monetization:
Selling Services or Products
CPC Networks and Pay Per Click Advertisers
Affiliate Marketing
Article Marketing
Ezine Promotion
Sponsored Blog Posts
Site Flipping and Domain Parking
The previous blog post focused on Affiliate Marketing and Article Marketing. This blog post will focus on Ezine Promotion, Sponsored Blog Posts and Site Flipping and Domain Parking.
This is the second blog post in our series on How to Monetize Your Website Traffic. These blog posts focus on the seven successful strategies to monetize your site: