Submitting Articles to Directories – An Easy Way to Get Your Website Discovered

Submitting Articles to Directories

Once you have your articles written, you need to focus on submitting articles to directories. There are literally scores of directories online, but not all are created equal. To achieve your purposes of traffic generation and reputation enhancement, you want to go with directories that are well-respected and actually USED by online and offline publishers to find quality content.

Here are a few directories to check out: Launched in 2005, ArticleCube is a top provider of high-quality articles and provides many categories of content ranging from business to food to health. Creating your account is free, and will take only minutes. If you want to add video, photos, or other media types beyond basic text, may be for you. Create a hub and add content, driving traffic to your blog. A robust community and help section to assist you. Free account creation and article submission. is another popular basic article directory. You can create a free author account, and once your articles are published, you can review extensive statistics regarding views and clicks. Part of the SHE Media network, SheKnows has a large database of articles for women centered around news and aspirational stories to help them care for themselves and their families. If you’re looking for a high-quality “boutique” article directory, is a great choice. You must apply to be selected as an author, but once you’re accepted, your chances of having your articles picked up by publishers is very high. Also part of the SHE Media network, BlogHer provides articles for women about money, empowerment and marketing. Just like SheKnows, you must also apply to be selected as an author, but once you’re accepted, your chances of having your articles picked up by publishers is very high.

Submitting Articles to Directories

Submitting Articles to Directories

In most cases, the first time you submit your articles you are going to need to register with the article directory.

If you intend to submit to a very large number of article directories it’s a good idea to set up a separate email account for this process so that you can easily store your article directory information together. This also allows you to keep any notifications or promotional emails sent out by the directories out of you main inbox.

When you are submitting articles to directories make sure you are prepared with your article in a couple of formats (text and html) and that you have written a targeted bio to go at the end of each article.

One thing to keep in mind is that many directories will allow you to submit the same article to multiple directories – check each directory’s specific guidelines and terms of service. There are also submission services that allow you to upload your article once, and then submit it to numerous sites, giving you bigger bang from your writing efforts.

When submitting articles to directories it’s not always quantity over quality. I’d much rather zero in my efforts on a small number of high-quality directories than spend a lot of time submitting to hundreds of low-quality ones. Keep this in mind as you plan your article marketing strategy.

Here are some examples of articles that I wrote and submitted to article directories.

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Remember, the goal of submitting articles to directories is to get targeted readers who are drawn into your article and motivated to click through to your website. This will happen when you do your homework, choose great article directories, write a quality article and give a clear call to action back to your blog with a resource box link.

Wondering what to write about? Click here for my post on What do I write about?

The above blog post was originally published on January 10, 2013. It was re-published on September 15, 2024 to remove old content and include new relevant content.
