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Tag: AdWords

  • Little-Known AdWords Tactics: How to Pay $0.10 When Others are Paying $1.00

    Little-Known AdWords Tactics: How to Pay $0.10 When Others are Paying $1.00

    Imagine paying $0.10 cents per click, while others are paying $1.00. How easy would it be to dominate your market when you’re playing with those kinds of numbers? In this article you’ll learn a bunch of little-known AdWords tactics that will help you increase your ROI and reduce your CPC.

    What Nobody Told You About the AdWords Tactics of Quality Score

    AdWords has changed and Quality Score is the name of the game. If you have a QS below 8, forget making the big bucks in AdWords.

    Instead of optimizing for conversion, optimize for Quality Score. Am I saying you should blow your sales page for the sake of Quality Score? In a way, yes, I am. You should absolutely still pay attention to your conversion rate – But that comes second to your quality score.

  • Facebook Ads: The Most Targeted Medium on the Internet

    Facebook Ads: The Most Targeted Medium on the Internet

    Most marketers know that having well targeted ads means profits – and that’s what makes Facebook Ads so incredible.

    Facebook ads is a relatively new medium that most old school marketers have yet to tap, yet has incredible earning potential. Read on to learn the benefits of working with Facebook advertisements and how to make it work for you.

    Target by Interest or Demographic

    • Want to target Christians in their late 30’s? You can do that.
    • Want to target high earning business-oriented individuals in their 40’s? You can do that.
    • Want to target people interested in Yoga? In computer programming? In entrepreneurship? In health?

    You can specifically target all of those markets.

  • Banner Ads: Where the Big Money is Made

    Banner Ads: Where the Big Money is Made

    Banner ads are dead, right? Wrong! In fact, banner ads are where the “big players” graduate to once they’ve maxed out the amount they can spend on CPC.

    Why do most people think banner ads are dead, how do banner displays really work and how can you make insane amounts of money with banner ads? Read on to find out.

    The Myth of Banner Ads Being Dead

    The myth of banner displays being dead for direct response online marketers came from the fact that most business owners have tried banner ads at some point … Only to be sorely disappointed by the results.

    Business owners have this experience because they don’t know what they’re doing. But you will, by the time you’re done reading this.

    A word of caution: Banner advertisements aren’t easy to master. They’re not for beginners. They’re not for testing offers; they’re for rolling out successful offers.
