By extending your brand to mobile content marketing you will promote brand awareness by making sure you’re always with your potential or current clients via an app that you have created just for your business. There are already apps out there that you can brand as your own, so don’t panic. You just put in the info needed to change the app and presto, you’re branded.
(more…)Tag: content marketing educate customers
What is Content Marketing?
Content marketing can go by a lot of different names such as private media, branded content, customer media and so on, but they are all essentially content marketing. Content marketing is probably one of the best ways to make sure your marketing is being truly effective.
One definition of content marketing is: a technique of making and distributing valuable and relevant content to bring in a much defined target audience with the over all objective being the creation of sales. Basically this is a way to reaching out to your customers and potential customers in a way specifically designed to attract them to you and keep them coming back.