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Tag: content marketing strategy

  • Mobile Content Marketing is Super Controllable and Great for Your Business

    Mobile Content Marketing is Super Controllable and Great for Your Business

    When thinking of the best time of day or day of the week to send out your eNewsletters, and your email messages as part of mobile content marketing strategy, we try to pick times where our potential client is at the computer checking email, and that is not always easy. We have such a mobile society, with many people not sitting at their computers all day long.

  • What is Content Marketing?

    What is Content Marketing?

    Content marketing can go by a lot of different names such as private media, branded content, customer media and so on, but they are all essentially content marketing. Content marketing is probably one of the best ways to make sure your marketing is being truly effective.

    One definition of content marketing is: a technique of making and distributing valuable and relevant content to bring in a much defined target audience with the over all objective being the creation of sales. Basically this is a way to reaching out to your customers and potential customers in a way specifically designed to attract them to you and keep them coming back.

  • 3 Tips To Avoid Duplicate Content for SEO

    3 Tips To Avoid Duplicate Content for SEO

    One of the most common mistakes website owners make is to publish what’s called “duplicate content.” Let’s discuss some strategies for to avoid duplicate content for SEO.

    When it comes to Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, there are some definite mistakes to avoid.

    What is duplicate content?

    Google defines duplicate content as, “Duplicate content generally refers to substantive blocks of content within or across domains that either completely match other content or are appreciably similar”.

    Most of the time when we see this, it’s unintentional or at least not malicious in origin: forums that generate both regular and stripped-down mobile-targeted pages, store items shown (and — worse yet — linked) via multiple distinct URLs, and so on.
