Many new online business owners wonder how to get more subscribers to their newsletter. Simply putting a form on your website that says “enter your email address and sign up for my newsletter” will not get you a huge number of subscribers. In today’s world people are hesitant to just give away their email address. The prime way to get a website visitor’s email address is to offer a free giveaway – such an eBook. However, you don’t need to stop with just writing free content for your readers and waiting for them to connect with you when you send them out your newsletter. Another great benefit to giving away your eBook is that people assume that once you have written a book you are an expert and a leader in your field. Also, once your reader has your book in their hand, there are other items it can include to get them to sign up for your programs and keep returning to your website.
Tag: ezines
6 Ways To Make Your Free Giveaway A Success