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Tag: WordPress expert

  • Spoilt For Choice With WordPress Plugins – How to Select the Best Ones for Your Business

    Spoilt For Choice With WordPress Plugins – How to Select the Best Ones for Your Business

    WordPress is a popular publishing platform and it is quite simple to use. There are so many WordPress plugins out there that add to its focus on aesthetics, usability and web standards.

    And best of all – WordPress and its plugins are free.

    WordPress plugins can do almost anything and everything that you want. There is a wide array of plugins which are available. They allow you to extend the functionality of the blog more than what the installed software offers.

    There are literally thousands of plugins which you can use and every day there are many more being introduced.

  • Securing Your WordPress Blog Against Hackers – What You Need to Know

    Securing Your WordPress Blog Against Hackers – What You Need to Know

    You need to make sure you are securing your WordPress blog. As a blogger the most senseless thing that you can do is leaving your blog unsecured. It’s like letting every visitor use your home for whatever activity they want.

    Many people don’t pay attention to this critical aspect. The security of your WordPress blog is crucial once it has been created.

    Securing your WordPress blog means there should not be any loopholes for hackers to steal or destroy your data and information. When your blog gets hacked into, the user input is not filtered out by the software properly.

  • Choosing A WordPress Theme

    Choosing A WordPress Theme

    When you decide to start a website or a blog using WordPress, you should be choosing a WordPress theme which reflects your persona and your business perspective. Only then will your blog give a true representation of what you want it to show.

    As a WordPress web designer, I spend time presenting the many different types of WordPress themes out on the market to clients. The client has to make a selection on the them they want that best suits their message to their audience.

    Here are some great sites for themes:


    Studio Press

    Elegant Themes

  • How to Personalize Your WordPress Themes

    How to Personalize Your WordPress Themes

    PSSST… Here’s a way to have the blog you want. Make sure to read this post as I’ll be sharing how to personalize your WordPress themes.

    It’s the best thing since sliced bread!!

    WordPress appeared when blogging began replacing conversation. Active bloggers wanted more and more, all the better to express themselves.

    Typical features maybe, like a bouncing smiley or a worried –looking clock face were needed by those wanting to press home a point, but did not have the time or skill to write the source code for such eye-catching electronic gimmickry.

    Thus was born the hugely popular idea of templates and themes, widgets and plugins and the ability to personalize WordPress themes!

  • Is Your WordPress Website Secure and Protected?

    Is Your WordPress Website Secure and Protected?

    Take the quiz to find out what you need to do to get your WordPress website secure.

    If you pass, congrats! If you fail, click the links below and find out how you can protect yourself – before it’s too late. (cue scary ‘look out behind you’ music….)

    WP Website Safety Self-Quiz:

    (answer questions as they relate to your WordPress website)
