Today we will look at optimizing video content for the search engines.
Video is an interactive and useful form of content for your website visitors. We each learn differently and adding this visual element holds a very strong appeal for many target audiences.
Additionally, it’s also a way for you to brand your business and connect with your audience.
Unfortunately, while many website owners are skilled at creating valuable video content, they forget about optimizing video content for the search engines.
Video Indexing
Here are 7 tips to for video indexing as search engine spiders can index video content, if you know how to show them the way.
1. Video Tagging
Most video-sharing sites allow you to create “tags.” Tags are simply keywords that describe video contents.
This tagging makes it easier for people to find your content and it makes your content easier for spiders to index. Make sure to use all the tags you can when optimizing video content for the search engines.
2. Video Titles
Give your video a title. Titles serve two purposes, like an attention grabbing headline they capture the attention of your prospect and when you use keywords, they can enhance your search engine rankings.
3. Categorize your videos
Video sharing sites typically require you to place your video in a specific category. The more specific you can categorize your video, the better.
4. Create a relevant file name.
If you are hosting a video on your own site, of course still take the time to title and tag your videos and take your SEO one-step further by creating a relevant file name for your video with keywords.
5. Only publish one video per web page.
Experts recommend only publishing one video per web page with a simple text title and description when you are optimizing video content for the search engines. Set up the page where you publish your video for both video search engines and content search engines by using meta tags for the content of the page.
They also recommend creating separate video site maps, which can be submitted to video and content search engines alike.
6. Use keyword optimized anchor text if you link to the video from other pages of your Web site.
Many web site owners hesitate to link to sources outside of their web site as they feel that visitors will just leave and go to another site. If you select the open in new tab when creating the link, your web site will remain open in the visitor’s browser enabling them to easily return to your website after they visit the other site.
Linking to other sites shows visitor interaction on your web site. As search engines see that your readers are reading your content and clicking on links, they will give your web site higher rankings. A truly great SEO content marketing strategy.
7. Consider Using YouTube Suggest to Generate Keywords
At this point you’re probably familiar with many of the content keyword tools for your SEO strategy, however for video optimizing, many experts recommend using YouTube’s Suggest tool. Because Google owns YouTube, it works much like the Google Suggest tool.
Per the YouTube Blog, “A query suggestions option is now available for search. To opt in, click the “advanced” link next to the search button, then choose “Display query suggestions as I type” from the search settings”.
As you type in your search terms a menu will appear with suggested results to choose from to help you more quickly find the videos you’re looking for. On the search results page you’ll also get an additional list of recommended searches by clicking on any of the terms listed next to the new “Also try” menu.

Optimizing video content for the search engines
Video content is interactive content and therefore highly regarded by visitors. When it’s informative and entertaining it can be one of the most valuable forms of content on a website.
Optimizing video content for the search engines just makes sense. Utilize these seven steps to make sure your video content is indexed by the search engines.
Find out more about optimizing video content for the search engines with this post – SEO mistakes to avoid.