There are so many web design software programs out there. Which one do I recommend? WordPress of course.
It’s free, easy to use, let’s you blog, has built-in SEO and the list goes on.

WordPress was initially started by the developers as blogging software. A blog is a term used for an online journal, diary or serial, published by a person or a group of people.
Blogs to start with were generally personal in nature, reflecting the opinions and interests of the creator and owner. However, recently blogs have developed into an important tool in the world of business, politics, and entertainment.
Everybody gets to voice their opinions and you do not really need someone else to do the job for you.
Web design software that includes both pages and posts
Posts are the main element or content of a blog. Posts can be of any form such as writings, compositions and discussions and blogs also provide the readers with the option of learning more about the blog’s owner and guest authors and to interact with them.
Posts, in most cases, are the lifeline of a blog. It’s only what gets written in the blog that helps the blog to exist. With no content, there is no blog!
To facilitate the post writing process, WordPress provides an authoring tool with flexible modules that can be used as per the user’s preference. It contains all features to help the author and the simple drag and drop facility makes changing things extremely convenient.
WordPress Benefits
The dashboard of this web design software is quick press module is also one of the features it provides, it makes it easy to quickly write and publish a post.
WordPress is one of the finest personal publishing platforms with a spotlight on aesthetics, web standards, and usability.
WordPress is free to use and priceless in terms of its usage.
WordPress offers easy to use back end functions for writing content and making other changes to your site.
It has numerous themes and plugins which are again mostly free. With WordPress it is also very easy to build your own theme or customize an existing one.
Another beauty of WordPress is that it uses standard/free web server technologies like PHP & MySQL.
A blog is also integrated with pictures, images, sounds, and movies. This variety in media offered boosts and enriches the blog’s content.
WordPress offers a straightforward and easy method of inserting media directly into posts along with a scheme to upload media that can be later attached to posts.
An important part of the posting process is assigning posts to categories. Each post in WordPress is filed under one or more categories.
In addition to categories, keywords called tags can be assigned to each post. Tags also act as navigation tools.
Post categories and tags are called post meta data. Post meta data refers to information associated with each post and includes author’s name, date and post categories.
Besides post meta data, Meta is the HTML tag used to describe and define a web page to the World Wide Web. After a post is made, a reader can respond, via comments, to that post, and in turn, authors may reply. Comments enable the communication process and facilitate learning as well.
Flexibility and versatility are the most important features of WordPress as web design software and that is exactly why it is the most preferred blogging media today.
With all the benefits and advantages of WordPress, no wonder there are many WordPress web designers out there.